Comfortably Receive Quality Oral Care with Sedation Dentistry
Patients who suffer from dental anxiety will often avoid routine examinations and cleanings. As time passes, minor concerns can develop into more serious issues, further elevating stress levels. Dr. Jon Marc Van Slate wants all patients to have a comfortable experience while receiving the quality oral care they deserve, which is why he offers different sedation dentistry options at his Houston, TX, practice. In addition to offering nitrous oxide and oral-conscious sedation, we also use education and a compassionate approach to help patients remain at ease during each visit. To discuss our sedation options in person with Dr. Van Slate, schedule a personal consultation today.

Nitrous Oxide
Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide has been used as a form of sedation during dental procedures for more than 100 years. It is reliable, effective, and safe for children, adults, and elderly patients. Nitrous oxide is often recommend for individuals with mild to moderate dental anxiety, as well as those who experience physical discomfort in the dentist's chair or those who have a sensitive gag reflex.
When you arrive at our practice for treatment, we will first explain the details of what to expect so that you can feel more confident about your procedure. Once you are at ease, you will begin inhaling the nitrous oxide gas through a small face mask. The gas will quickly help you feel relaxed, but you will be completely awake throughout the procedure. If — at any time — you feel anxious, we will immediately remove the mask and address your concerns. Once treatment is complete, the effects of nitrous oxide will wear off very quickly, so you will be able to drive yourself home and there will be no lingering effects.
Oral-conscious Sedation
Oral-conscious sedation is typically recommended for patients who experience a significant level of dental anxiety. With this approach, you will take a sedative in pill form roughly an hour before your procedure. Since the drug will take effect before arriving, you will need to have someone drive you to and from your appointment. The sedation medication will put you into a twilight state of deep relaxation, though you will still be conscious and able to respond to questions or commands. Afterwards, you will likely remember little to nothing about your procedure. The effects of oral-conscious sedation may take several hours to subside, so you will be advised to remain at home for the rest of the day.
If there is anything additional that we can do to make your visit more pleasant, please let a member of our staff know.
Learn More about Our Sedation Options
In addition to these sedation options, we also utilize state-of-the-art technology to make diagnoses and treatments more comfortable and less invasive. Our intraoral cameras allow us to avoid messy and foul-tasting impressions, while the innovative Anutra Local Anesthetic Delivery System eliminates the pain associated with traditional anesthesia injections. Contact our practice today to schedule an appointment and learn more about our approach to sedation dentistry. Furthermore, if there is anything additional that we can do to make your visit more pleasant, please let a member of our staff know.